Mon. - Thurs. 12:00 - 20:00 | Fri. 12:00 - 21:00 | Sat. 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. | sunday. 10:00 - 20:00


At Loopy's we like to have fun, but when it comes to safety, the jokes stop.

We take this matter extremely seriously. We guarantee the safety of our guests by:

High quality equipment and attractions - is a prerequisite. The toys and equipment are made in the EU, with the best and most modern materials. We work with world leaders in the design and production of children's attractions, who ensure that they meet global standards. We have the certificates required by the European Union and IAAPA (International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions). We visit trade fairs every year to keep abreast of trends and innovations in the area of safety and quality of available attractions.

Electronic entry and exit system - Each guest, after purchasing a ticket, receives a transponder with a chip. The children's watches are assigned to their carers. They ensure that the children play safely in the square and certainly do not leave it without their guardian knowing!

Internal monitoring - A network of cameras allows us to keep a constant eye on entertaining guests and intervene quickly, discreetly in risk situations.

Age zones - For the comfort of the little ones, we have a special area for children up to the age of 3! Signage that this is a toddler area ensures that the little ones have fun in their own company!

Professional service - All our staff are professionals. They are able to watch over the safety of guests in a polite but assertive manner. At the same time, they like children and enjoy working with them. This makes playing at Loopy's safe and fun.

Centre - All the rules at Loopy's World are designed to make play safe and enjoyable for all users of the playground! All persons entering the playground are required to read and comply with the Rules and Regulations of the Centre and the Instructions for Use of the various pieces of equipment.