Mon. - Thurs. 12:00 - 20:00 | Fri. 12:00 - 21:00 | Sat. 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. | sunday. 10:00 - 20:00


The "Loopy's World" playground is your Children's playground. Our Rules and Regulations have been created to ensure that your Children have a safe and carefree time. Therefore, we ask you to read and abide by them.

  1. The "Loopy's World" playground (hereinafter: "Playground") is managed by Loopys Sp. Z o.o. with its registered office in Gdańsk, 229 Grunwaldzka Street (hereinafter: "Manager").
  2. The use of the playground is chargeable. The rules of payment are set out in the current Price List of the Playground (hereinafter: "Price List"), which is available to Guests.
  3. Persons using the Playground are required to read these Rules and Regulations ("Rules") and the Price List before entering the Playground.
  4. Carers are required to provide children with information regarding the Rules and Regulations and the rules for the use of the Playground and individual equipment.
  5. Admission to the Playground for children aged 1-14 years is charged at the rate specified in the Price List. Children under 1 year of age and those over 14 years of age (date of birth determines) enter the Playground free of charge, only accompanying children aged 1-14. Children over 14 years of age should present an identity card or other document proving identity and age.
  6. The separate area on the Playground designated for play (hereinafter the "Play Zone" is dedicated to children aged 1-14 years. All persons over 14 years of age may be in the Play Zone, but only when accompanying children 1-14 years of age in play, they must exercise extreme caution, not cause danger and prevent behaviour that is dangerous for children. The purpose of persons over 14 years of age being in the Play Area is to look after children and not to actively play. In particular, it is forbidden for persons over 14 years of age to: jump on the trampolines, jump on individual elements of the structure, climb and pull on the nets.
  7. Minors may only be present on the Playground under the supervision of adults. Neither the Manager nor the staff of the Playground (hereinafter: "Staff") provide childcare. Persons under the care of children are obliged to supervise them at all times while they are on the Playground and are responsible for their safety and any damage caused by them, including any pollution.
  8. For organised groups, there must be at least one adult chaperone for every ten children started. W
    Only children over 3 years of age may be part of an organised group. The group organiser shall provide chaperones in a number appropriate to the number and age of the children, subject to meeting the minimum requirements of the Manager as set out in this section.
  9. Due to the nature of the Playground, which is intended for children up to 14 years of age, and for safety reasons, persons coming without a child aged 1-14 years will not be admitted to the Playground unless they can prove that their child is on the Playground.
  10. The following applies in the Playground:
  • No dangerous, sharp or glass objects allowed.
  • Ban on food and drink
  • Prohibition of alcohol, intoxicants and presence of persons after consumption of such substances
  • No smoking and no electronic/ disposable cigarettes
  • Ban on introducing animals
  • Fighting, pushing, climbing uphill on slides, sliding down slides together by two or more people at the same time, climbing on the outside of the Playground structure, carrying each other and jumping on top of each other and any other dangerous, aggressive or discriminatory behaviour is prohibited on the Playground.
  1. Loopy's is not a party to conflicts between visiting Guests.
  2. When entering the Playground area, children should remove and hand over to their caregivers any items that could be dangerous, in particular: watches, jewellery, belts with sharp buckles, clothes with long strings (e.g. on hoods) or strings alone, pens, mobile phones, electronic players, etc.
  3. Throughout the Centre, Guests stay without shoes, always wearing socks.
  4. Guests leave outer garments in key-locked lockers or in the cloakroom.
  5. Items other than clothing, and in particular valuables, will not be accepted in the cloakroom.
  6. Clothing/things with a value of more than £250 must be stored in lockable lockers. They will not be accepted in the cloakroom.
  7. The Manager is not responsible for valuables, including the clothing referred to in point 16, money, documents, left in the cloakroom or in lockers.
  8. The Manager is not responsible for items left on the Playground, outside the changing room.
  9. The use of lockers is for a fee. The operator is not responsible for items left in lockers. The area where lockers are located is covered by video surveillance.
  10. Food and drinks may only be consumed in the Restaurant area. Do not bring food or drinks into the Play Area. Gum should not be chewed in the Play Area.
  11. Visitors to the Playground use Electronic Chips, which they should wear at all times while on the Playground until they leave the Playground.
  12. Each ticket is for one person for one entry. In the event of leaving the Playground, which is understood to mean crossing the gate line, the visit to the Playground is deemed to be over, regardless of the time for which the ticket was purchased. In this case, it is not possible to re-enter with a previously purchased ticket.
  13. Entry to the Playground takes place through the entrance gate. Touching the electronic chip on the reader at the entrance gate signifies acceptance of the Rules and Regulations and the Price List and obliges the Guest to comply with them.
  14. The amount for goods purchased in the Loopy's Restaurant and the amount for additional paid attractions of the Playground is credited to the guest's electronic chip. Receipts are issued in the restaurant. At the exit, the amount due recorded on the electronic chip is read. Guests pay all charges recorded on their electronic chip. In the case of family groups or organised groups, one of the Guests is given a so-called "Master chip" (red or yellow watch) and is also responsible for payment of the charges accrued on the electronic chips of the persons who entered together with him and are assigned to the "Master chip".
  15. If the electronic chip is lost or damaged, a fee will be charged as set out in the Price List. In the event that the electronic chips of all Guests entering the Playground are lost, a special fee will be charged in the amount specified in the Price List.
  16. The instructions for the use of individual equipment, games and attractions ("structures") may impose restrictions on age, number of people, height or weight in the use of individual equipment, games or attractions.
  17. Guests should use the equipment, games and attractions in accordance with their purpose and instructions.
  18. Guests are obliged to observe the provisions of the Regulations and Instructions and to follow the instructions of the Staff.
  19. The Manager shall not be liable for accidents caused by non-observance of the Rules and Regulations, Instructions or recommendations of the Staff, or in situations where an intoxicated person or a person under the influence of drugs suffers an accident.
  20. Guests shall be liable for damage caused by failure to observe the Rules and Regulations, the Instructions or the instructions of the Staff, as well as damage caused by any other culpable act or omission.
  21. In the event of any mishaps, accidents, noticed faults or any other event or behaviour that creates a hazard in the Playground, the Staff must be informed.
  22. The area of the Playground is covered by CCTV. The monitoring will not violate the personal rights of Guests.
  23. By entering the Playground, Visitors consent to the recording of their image and that of those in their care. CCTV is used to ensure the safety of guests.
  24. All data obtained from Guests is processed in accordance with the Data Protection Regulation (RODO), which came into force on 25 May 2018. For more information, please refer to the Centre's Privacy Policy.
  25. In justified cases, the Staff has the right to ask the Guest to submit to a sobriety test. Refusal to submit to a sobriety test may result in the Guest being treated as a person under the influence of alcohol, with all the consequences provided for in the Rules.

Instructions on how to use the various pieces of yard equipment: